What My Dentist Said

Before I tell you the life-changing, cavity-solving question my dentist asked me, I think a little background information might help.

On that day, my dentist explained that the primary cause of cavities isn’t poor brushing or bad oral hygiene habits, but exposure to tooth-eroding acid.

While this acid can come from food and drinks, my dentist said that a certain amount of oral acid is simply unavoidable.

My dentist also said that one big source of harmful oral acid for most people comes from certain strains of bacteria living in their mouths. These nightmare bacteria produce acid right in our mouths, even if the food we eat is relatively tooth-friendly.

Critically, he said that the reason I was getting so many more cavities than everyone else I know was probably that I had more of these acid-generating strains of bacteria that cause cavities living in my mouth. Yuck.

So, what was the question that turned this all around for me?

My dentist asked me if I had ever tried xylitol to help fight against tooth-eating acid.

I shook my head. I’d never even heard of xylitol.

My dentist smiled (or at least I think he smiled. It’s hard to tell behind that mask) and handed me a pack of a specially formulated xylitol gum.

My new dentist went on to explain that the primary cause of cavities isn’t poor brushing or bad oral hygiene habits, but harmful oral bacteria. He said that the reason I was getting so many more cavities than everyone else I know was probably that I had more exposure to this strain of cavity-causing bacteria.

He told me that not all gums with xylitol are created equally, and that this particular brand, Epic, had more cavity-crushing xylitol per piece than any other brand. My dentist also mentioned that I should chew a couple of pieces after I eat, at least 3 times a day.

I chomped through that first pack in two days, and I hopped on Amazon and ordered more. Any time I ate, I’d pop in a piece of gum afterwards. this gum became my constant companion.

And after just a few weeks, I started to notice something... different. My teeth still had that slippery-smooth, fresh-fresh-from-the-dentist sheen, even though it had been weeks since my appointment. I scraped my fingernail across my teeth and was shocked to find nothing there, rather than the gross “sweaters on my teeth” gunk that I was used to finding.

Six months later, I found myself walking into my dentist’s office a little bit apprehensive. Was I going to have a cavity or not?

Sitting in my dentist’s chair, I was nervous as my dentist quietly poked and prodded at my teeth.

“What’s the damage?” I asked.

My dentist laughed. “None, as far as I can tell. You’re cavity-free.

I walked out again with ZERO CAVITIES, the coveted two thumbs up from my dentist, and a giant grin.

I no longer find myself worrying about sugar or getting up in the middle of the night to brush again. I don’t feel that little flutter of fear sliding up my spine when my dentist’s office calls. Most of all, I don’t stress about my smile any more.

If you’re like me and you’ve been on the losing side of a war with cavities, you really should consider Epic.

Here's a $10 off coupon to get you started.

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