Orthodontists Recommend Xylitol
Protect Your Investment
You’ve spent a lot of money on braces for your kids. Protect your investment in their smiles with Epic Products. The xylitol found in Epic disrupts tooth-eating acid attacks and destroys the nasty mouth mung that so easily collects around braces.
Studies show that xylitol may reduce the risk of demineralization by fighting tooth-eating acid. In fact, researchers concluded that "the use of a xylitol lozenge can be an advisable routine for fixed orthodontic patients."*
Use Epic Gum or Mints
Epic Gum is safe for braces but Epic mints are an appropriate alternative for those who prefer not to chew gum. Epic provides a fast and easy way to improve dental hygiene.
*Source: Evaluation of the Dental Plaque pH Recovery Effect of a Xylitol Lozenge on Patients with Fixed Orthodontic Appliances. Abdulkadir Sengun, DDS, PhD, et al. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 74, No 2, 2004