Healthy Teeth Without Fluoride

Healthy Teeth Without Fluoride

Xylitol Fights Cavity-Causing Bacteria

The all-natural xylitol found in Epic's products can reduce your risk for tooth decay. Rather than changing your tooth's natural structure to defend against acid, Epic xylitol goes on the offensive to attack cavity-causing bacteria. Studies indicate that six grams of xylitol per day are ideal for improving your oral health.

Epic Can Be Fluoride-Free

If you’re concerned about the risks associated with fluoride, Epic's xylitol toothpaste is available in a fluoride-free formula. Or if you prefer to continue using your favorite toothpaste, Epic Dental's Cavity-Free Kits provide you with the flexibility to meet your daily xylitol requirements with gum and mints. The xylitol in Epic Dental products is recommended by dentists.