Why Brushing & Flossing Don't Always Work

Why Brushing & Flossing Don't Always Work

Posted by Donald Bailey on Jan 22nd 2021

We know how it feels. After religiously brushing, flossing, using mouthwash and staying away from sugar, you still get the same result.


No matter what you do, when you sit in that dentist chair, there’s always something wrong with your teeth. And after you’re diagnosed with a cavity, as if that’s not bad enough, the dentist has the nerve to ask if you are brushing and flossing every day! Through the surgical mask, magnifying lens, and the crows feet that creep around his eyes, you can almost sense the judgement he’s making about your hygiene.

We don’t blame you for feeling hopeless, or angry, or annoyed, or scared.

If you’re reading this and you don’t get cavities often, just know, cavities are the worst. Nobody enjoys that face-numbing shot in the inside of your cheek, or the drill, the smell of burning tooth and the bitter taste of it all. Nobody likes having to go through the same uncomfortable process every time they go to the dentist.

Especially when you work so hard to take care of your teeth!

So what gives? What’s wrong with your mouth? Why do you get cavities while other people never seem to get cavities? And what can you do about it?

It’s Not You, It’s the Bacteria!

First, the good news: Nothing is wrong with your habits. But there is something wrong in your mouth, and if you’re reading this article, your dentist probably isn’t telling you what it is.

Wouldn’t it be nice at the next dentist appointment, if they told you, “No cavities. You’re good to go!”?

Believe it or not, you can make that happen. I’m not talking about changing your brushing or flossing routines. I’m talking about changing your mouth completely by attacking the real culprit behind your cavities—bacteria.

Bacteria feed off the sugars in the foods you eat and drink. The bacteria then excrete acid that destroys the calcium and phosphate bonds in your teeth. It’s the loss of these bonds that results in the formation of a cavity.

Your Diet Feeds Bacteria

There are certain types of sugars that you should try to avoid. Namely, the artificial sweeteners contained in many foods and especially in drinks like sodas and juices.

These artificial sweeteners, like sucrose and aspartame, are like food packed with steroids for the bacteria on your teeth. As they consume it, they produce more and more acid that wreaks havoc on your enamel. But the biggest problem comes not from the amount of sugar in the foods and drinks you consume, it comes from how often you consume them. You can significantly reduce the damage bacteria can do by simply reducing the frequency at which consume high-sugar foods.

The reason bacteria love sugar so much is because they are packed full of fermentable carbohydrates. All types of carbohydrates eventually break down into sugars, which fuel bacteria’s acid-producing frenzy. So what you think may not be a sugary food, like bread or pasta, will have the same resulting tooth decay as eating candy all day.

In addition to high-sugar and high-carb foods, acidic foods like wine or tomato sauce can damage your enamel just as badly. Have you ever seen someone with “stained” teeth because they drink a lot of coffee? Well, that yellowing of the teeth is actually enamel erosion and demineralization from the chlorogenic acid contained in your morning cup of coffee.

Bacteria on your teeth are using that chlorogenic acid in your coffee and tea to produce cavity-causing acid. Add coffee creamer or artificial sweeteners to your morning cup and you’ve got yourself the ultimate acid-producing treat bacteria crave.

Epic Xylitol

Fortunately, there are other sweetening options out there that won’t feed the cavity causing bacteria in your mouth. In fact, it even helps destroy them. is one of the best options. Xylitol is an all-natural sugar substitute that destroys bacteria by tricking it into thinking it’s sugar, essentially starving the bacteria so it dies and never comes back.

Why Brushing and Rinsing May Not Be Working

Ask yourself this question: Would you want to buy a new toothbrush every time you brush you teeth? Of course you wouldn’t! If you’re looking for a way to waste money, that would sure be a good way to do it. But, unfortunately, if brushing is all that you’re doing to get rid of bacteria, that may be what you have to do.

Brushing and flossing can temporarily remove the bacteria from the tooth surface, but unless you use a new toothbrush every time you brush you’re actually reintroducing bacteria into your mouth.

What about mouthwash? Shouldn’t that help? Yes it should. But the problem with most alcohol based mouthwashes is the fact that alcohol dries your mouth up. This can lead not just to a dry mouth, but also lead to plaque build up and chlorine damage to your teeth.

Mouthwash is a great way to make brushing your teeth more effective, but it’s best to use a xylitol-based mouthwash, instead of an alcohol-based one. Then, you not only eliminate the issues of alcohol-based mouthwashes, but you introduce another bacteria-fighting element to your daily routine.

Epic Dental Mouthwash contains 25 percent more xylitol than any other mouthwash and uses no sodium laureth sulfate. It’s great for rinsing away plaque and bacteria and does wonders for dry mouth.

You’re Being Lied to About the Sugar-Free Gum You Chew

Xylitol gum is a convenient, easy way to add xylitol to your daily routine. You might think you can buy any gum at the supermarket that says “xylitol” on the label, but if you chew it for a few weeks, you’ll be disappointed with the same cavity ridden results. Big brand chewing gum contain less than .25 grams of Xylitol.

That’s because most big gum brands that advertise they contain xylitol actually have hardly any at all. Your dentist recommends that you get about 6 grams per day. So that means you would have to chew more than 30 pieces per day of the big brand’s gum.

One thing that you also need to realize is that those brands of gum often use different forms of artificial sweeteners in higher levels than what they contain in xylitol, and those artificial sweeteners cancel out whatever good the xylitol might be doing.

That’s where comes in. Epic Xylitol Gum contains 1.06 grams of Xylitol per piece—more than any other brand on the market. Additionally, Epic Gum uses no artificial sweeteners, so your teeth take two steps forward and zero steps back in the fight against bacteria.

Make The Changes Your Teeth Need

Listen, we know you’re busy. You don’t really have the time to brush after every meal. You especially don’t have the time to floss multiple times per day. Epic products like Xylitol Mouthwash, Xylitol Gum, and Xylitol Sweetener, add strength and convenience to your battle against tooth decay.

You don't have to keep having panic attacks every time you sit in your dentist’s chair because you’re afraid of what they’ll find. You have the power to take control of your dental health.

If you’d like to shock your dentist and walk out of their office with no fillings, needles, or x-rays, then make the transition to Epic Xylitol products. You can start that transition today. It’s time for you to take back your confidence.