Scientific Studies Support Xylitol

Prove It to Me.

Yes, we’re a little obsessed with this xylitol-fueled goodness.

So much so that we’ve scoured the ends of the earth to stay up many sleepless nights converting even the most skeptical of our friends and family.

It’s worked. They leave with smiles on their faces. For you, as for them before you, we present stuff from folks way smarter than us.

Xylitol Gum May Reduce Risk of Tooth Decay

40 month double-blind cohort study of 1,135 school children used to determine the impact of sugar-free gums on DMFS.

Patients were randomly assigned to groups and given sucrose, sorbitol, xylitol and xylitol-sorbitol sweetened gums for use under supervision of their teachers. Most significant reduction in caries risk was observed in the xylitol group.

The authors concluded that a "xylitol-based chewing gum program in basic caries prevention can be substantial."

Source: Makinen KK, Bennett CA, Hujoel PP, Isokangas PJ, Isotupa KP, Pape HR Jr, Makinen KK. Xylitol chewing gums and caries rates: a 40-month cohort study. J Dent Res 1995 Dec;74(12):1904-13.

Xylitol Toothpaste Reduced Bacteria

Six month double-blind clinical study of 155 individuals used to evaluate the effect of triclosan and xylitol on levels Mutans Streptococci.

Patients were divided into three groups and assigned dentrifice regimen: one containing fluoride, another containing fluoride and triclosan and one containing fluoride, triclosan and 10% xylitol. Toothpaste was distributed and used regularly by the three groups. The fluoride group saw almost 10% increase in levels of MS. The fluoride and triclosan group had approximately a 1% increase in MS. The fluoride, triclosan and xylitol group had more than an 18% decrease in MS.

Researchers determined that "the addition of xylitol reduces Mutans Streptococci in saliva and dental plaque."

Source: L. Jannessona,, Effect of a triclosan-containing toothpaste supplemented with 10% xylitol on mutans streptococci in saliva and dental plaque. A 6-month clinical study. Caries Res. 2002 Jan-Feb;36(1):36-9.

Xylitol Gum Stopped Progress of Active Decay

24 month double blind clinical study of 510 six-year-old children used to determine the effect of xylitol on the remineralization of dentine lesions in the primary dentition.

Patients were randomly assigned to test groups and provided gum with xylitol or sorbitol. A control group did not chew gum. Participants were provided chewing gum for supervised regular use through school by their school teachers for 200 days and given instructions for use on non-school days. After the test period, researchers evaluated the remineralization of the lesions.

Researchers concluded that "high-xylitol content chewing gum usage can retard or arrest rampant dentine caries."

Makinen KK, Makinen PL, Pape HR Jr, Allen P, Bennett CA, Isokangas PJ, Isotupa KP. Stabilisation of rampant caries: polyol gums and arrest of dentine caries in two long-term cohort studies in young subjects. Int Dent J 1995 Feb;45(1 Suppl 1):93-107. PMID 7607749

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Other Studies Show Xylitol's Benefits

If you prefer to do more research on your own, below is list of additional studies about xylitol, xylitol side effects, and its potential tooth-protecting benefits: